Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Waltzing with William

I looked to the sky where my William had flown
I sighed because William had gone
Flown out in the night as I wandered alone
To wait until William had won

The drone of the engines I counted them down
Relief in the grey light of dawn
And there was my William his great duty done
Home safe in my arms as my own

Then I was waltzing with William
Waltzing the long night away
Waltzing the fear out with William
Until that terrible day

I looked to the sky where my William had flown
I sighed because William had gone
Flown out in the night as I wandered alone
To wait until William had won

The drone of the engines The crash of a plane
And grief in the grey light of dawn
And there lay my William his great duty done
Lost out of my arms as my own

No more I'd go waltzing with William
Waltzing the long night away
Waltzing the fear out with William
After that terrible day

I looked at the uniform he had outgrown
I cried because William had gone
Flown out in the night as I wandered alone
To wait until William had won

I picked up his tunic with sleeves hanging down
And stood in the grey light of dawn
I hugged William's tunic its great duty done
Now held in my own arms alone

Then I was waltzing with William
Waltzing the long night away
Waltzing the fear out with William
Until that terrible day

2003 © Charlotte Peters Rock

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